Psalm 34:8

Sack Lunches

“Taste and see that the Lord is good,” – Psalm 34:8

To meet the additional needs of the children we serve, we distribute sack lunches Monday-Friday afternoons.  We call this outreach Psalm 34:8 – “Taste and see that the Lord is good,” and we need assistance in preparing these lunches. 

The pre-assembled bags should be delivered to The Table between 1:00-1:45pm.  We need 120 each day (600 each week), you can sign up for 20, 40, 60, 80, or 120.  This is a great way for families or small groups to serve our Delk Road friends.

Please decorate the bags with an encouraging message, stickers, or artwork. The decorated bags should contain:

      • a cheese or PB&J sandwich
      • a bag of chips
      • a granola/cereal bar
      • a fruit cup/applesauce
      • fruit snacks/gummies
      • a juice box

Use the Calendar below to sign up to provide sack lunches for Psalm 34:8.

Free free to sign up multiple times if you want to bring more than 20 lunches.